
Self Siphoning Beads

This is one bizarre, fascinating science phenomenon. Get yourself a long set of beads, put it in some container, drop it off, and watch the top form some floating magical science oddity…. no magic, just science. Anyhow, I bought myself a set and it works just like the video…. some might think its the beads themselves, but plain rope apparently works as well.  If you do try this, a bit of a secret is the higher up you are, the higher up the arch goes.


Street Pianos: Play Me, I’m Yours

I was charmed yesterday over dinner outside when a piano painted over from local artist  had a sign that said “Play me, I’m Yours”, and within minutes a variety of pianist, singers, and groups formed around making music to everyones ears. The Street Piano Project is pretty simple. Touring pianos placed in public spaces inviting anyone to play as long, or short, and whatever they would like. Several videos are recorded and put on their site. Pretty amazing. Boston has the 1,000th placed piano though pianos have been placed globally over the past few years. Check it out, and see if a piano is visiting your city soon.

Street Piano Project
Videos from around the world. FInd your city and look at the videos.

Amanda Palmer: The art of asking

A very inspirational outgoing talk by Amanda Palmer at TED this year! Simply Awesome lady.

“Don’t make people pay for music, says Amanda Palmer: Let them. In a passionate talk that begins in her days as a street performer (drop a dollar in the hat for the Eight-Foot Bride!), she examines the new relationship between artist and fan.

Alt-rock icon Amanda Fucking Palmer believes we shouldn’t fight the fact that digital content is freely shareable — and suggests that artists can and should be directly supported by fans”

via TED