Month: May 2008

Nick Demarco: Reuse, Garbage Chair

Nick Demarco XS garbage chair

Call it what you want, but I think this is a great idea by student Nick Demarco! Buy this plastic bag/mesh shaped chair, stuff it with dry items you’d be throwing away anyways or what you have too much of, and you have a comfy chair. Take those old shirts, magazines, bottles, stuffed bears, newspapers, etc.

This is a great “Reuse” project. I’ve got a huge pile of old shirts and magazines that would work great for making a snazzy couch! Reminds me a bit of the very expensive yet cool Campana teddy chairs!

via treehugger!
video interview Disposable Elements for Catering Disposable Elements For Catering
Wow! I love it when the ordinary becomes extraordinary. In this instance creates “Disposable elements for catering”! I’m not sure the cost on these jewels but every time I pass by cheap ugly paper/plastic plates in the grocery store, I’m going to venture my eyes around for a set of these, especially the sweet soup cups! Plastic at it’s best! Damn this is hot!

More images after the jump mirrored via NotCot


Erik Nordenankar: Biggest Drawing in the World

Erik Nordenankar biggest drawing in the world dhl

Artist Erik Nordenankar has created the “Biggest Drawing in the World” according to his webpage.

In short, he had a grand vision to draw a huge self-portrait. He sent away a briefcase containing a GPS device around the world through DHL which plotted it’s journey in 55 days. The end result, a pretty sweet self-portrait. The GPS container became his pen and the world became his canvas.

However true or fictional this may be, it’s a pretty cool idea. He has a good documentation of it online, and a youtube videos here.

via hackaday

RISD Graduate Thesis Exhibition 2008: Welcome to the Conversation

RISD 2008 Graduate Thesis exhibition
Rhode Island School of Design’s
Annual Graduate Thesis Exhibition
Rhode Island Convention Center: May 21-June 1, 2008.
opening reception May 20, 6-8pm

“More than 120 RISD artists and designers across 14 disciplines featured in graduate student showcase of art and design at its very best.

For the second consecutive year, the extraordinary work of more than 120 students receiving master’s degrees from Rhode Island School of Design [RISD] will be on view at the Rhode Island Convention Center in RISD’s Annual Graduate Thesis Exhibition. The work of graduate students in painting, industrial design, sculpture, textiles, photography and nine other art and design disciplines will be on exhibit from May 21-June 1, 2008.

An online gallery has also been created to allow “virtual visitors” to view examples of work from the exhibition.”

I’ll be there from 6pm onwards…this should be awesome!

RISD Graduate Exhibition Webpage

update: lots of pics after jump when I went to the show.


I was at a party last night and stumbled upon a few passionate “CouchSurfing” ladies into Boston for the night from Australia. So what is Couch surfing? Watch the video above, or in my take, it’s the new hotel! It’s free, you meet new locals who can probably give you the best tour of the city skipping all the BS, you become friends, learn a ton about the local culture, perhaps get a homemade cultural meal, and in the end, become an official “CouchSurfer!” What an experience!

I’ve always couch crashed at friends around the world and love it over hotels, but meeting newbies from cities I don’t know might just be the next best thing! I’ve met some of my best friends in the most random situations and this couch surfing idea sounds great! Meet new people, get a free place to crash, and get a heads on dive into the local culture wherever your adventures take you. Sure, it may seem a bit sketchy to stay over at a strangers… but treat it like a friend of a friends! Where there is trust comes new opportunities! They also have global gatherings for CouchSurfers… checkout some Flickr pics.
A bunch of Couchsurfing Youtube videos

Shock Aero 3D

shock aero 3d application

I’ve been playing around with the free “Shock Aero 3D” application that mimics the pretty cool Vista Rolodex feature and somewhat offers the Mac Expose feature as well. I’ve custom mine to launch by pressing my middle mouse scroll button which also navigates the rolling effect. Pretty sweet if you love the Vista features but hate Vista… I’ve got it on XP running… it was buggy at first, but working fine now. Isn’t it great how innovative ideas on certain platforms can be added to almost any other platform. It’s not about who copied who, but more about embedding great ideas across the world.

via lifehacker